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Archive (2021-2023)

im gonna be posting here again

the more i think about it, the less i think


woes of a google user

so recently i wanted to get back into a youtube account that i had ran a few years back. The only problem is that i spontaniously create gmail accounts. I wish i could just log in with my youtube id or something because i remember the password to the account. Im so sick of having to use these services. Once i get my video uploading site up and running im booking it for there.


school just unblocked my sites again

war has been won. fun police. they even blocked my site on the Qur'an because they suspected i could hide games on it somewhere. seriously, what do they care? people are going to find new sites. it just couldnt be mine ig.


thinking of starting another hobby page

idk im just thinking of making a compendium more comprehensive than the one already presented on my website. i might just redisign the whole goddamn thing.



StThomasAquinas is my alt. I made that account for projects that will have large filesizes or user upload potential.


New release out

new version of TheHappyMail done. the old one didnt work because google stopped allowing 3rd party app access in 2022. wasnt aware of this but now im gonna use my own email client til the end. guess i better start work replacing a lot of googles apps.


uh oh

the school is not happy with me. programs will likely be delayed. ill give more info in next week's newsletter.


im back

the school got upset with me because i wrote some code that bypassed the school's filters and stuff. they found out and i got grounded but ill be working on this stuff again soon.
